Briefing Outlines

Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

#99 Artificial Intelligence: The New Idol

In human history great technological discoveries brought about revolutions in how we live our lives. Examples are many: The wheel, printing press, electricity, automobile, radio, telephone, television, the computer (silicon chips), smart phone, and the internet. Many believe the advent of AI may be the most revolutionary of all. AI will likely influence every area in which we live, and is doing so as I write. A free version of AI (ChatGPT) was first introduced to the public in 2023 and had one million users in five days!

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

#98 Adam: Real Man or Myth?

Until the 19th Century Adam was universally seen as the originator of the human race from whom every human descended. There are now those who self-identify as evangelicals who are currently calling upon Christians to abandon this historic teaching because it conflicts with the settled science of human evolution, and that Genesis simply mimics ancient Near Eastern creation myths. There are several variations of this new teaching:

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

97. Dragons and The Bible

Every continent and every people group has legends of dragons dating from antiquity. What makes this of interest, is the descriptions are strangely similar. In the KJV version of the Bible (1611), the word dragon or dragons occurs 35 times (22 in the OT and 13 in the NT). The English word dragon comes from the Greek word drakon. In almost all dictionaries and encyclopedias dragon is defined as an imaginary or mythological creature. The question then becomes: what exactly is this creature? Is the KJV Version of the Bible referring to dragons as real animals? Is it mythical, reflecting pagan Near Eastern literature, or is it symbolic?

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

96. End Times Conundrum

Eschatology is the branch of theology that has to do with future things such as the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgement, and the eternal state. The affirmation of these events has been part of the great creeds of the church for 2000 years. To deny these events is to be less than orthodox. The problem: there has never been a consensus about the exact order of these events. There are no charts in the Bible giving us the details. In reality, this state is similar to the prophecies concerning Christ’s first coming. The scribes correctly discerned that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Mt.2:5), but the timing of His coming, and the nature of His career were greatly misunderstood.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

95. What Does God Know, and When Did He Know It?

Many passages in Scripture proclaim God’s complete knowledge, otherwise known as the attribute of omniscience, which simply means all knowledge. This means: He knows everything actual and everything possible. God never has to learn anything, and He never forgets anything; He knows everything all at once in their totality, that includes past, present, and future. His knowledge also includes complete and perfect knowledge of Himself. God literally knows everything there is to know! I Sam. 2:3: ...for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. Ps 147:5: ...his understanding is beyond measure.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

94. Interpreting Genesis 1-11

Many Old Testament departments in formerly conservative seminaries now teach that Genesis 1-11 is not real history, but rather consists of a wholly different genre of literature. For over 3000 years this important passage was interpreted in a normal way to yield a young earth created by God in 6 days! Things began to change in the 19th Century with the uniformitarian theories of Lyell and Hutton who believed that the formation of sedimentary rock took long ages to form, and then in 19th Century, Darwin theorized that life forms took millions of years to evolve.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

91. The Nature of the Soul

The contemporary and prevailing view in the majority of institutions of higher learning today and in the culture generally, is that mankind is only material. He is made out of dust and when he dies he will return to dust. Death means cessation. He differs only from the animals in that he is more complicated and has more brain cells. Consciousness is generated by the brain which is only a complex computer made out of meat. This view is also called materialistic monism (MM), identity theory, and physicalism.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

87. Question of Human Evolution

The Grand Assumption: When Darwin wrote The Descent of Man he had no evidence of human evolution though some hominin fossils (the word hominin means apelike) were being discovered around the time of publication(1871). Darwin just assumed that if other life forms evolved, humans did also. After a century and a half that grand assumption is still in effect even though the fossil evidence has not produced any definitive evidence.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

86. Angel Human Hybrid View

In general, the extra-biblical literature agrees the sin that precipitated the Great Flood was a satanically inspired effort on the part of fallen spirit beings who were once part of God’s heavenly hosts (the sons of God. See Ps. 82 )who took the form of male human bodies to corrupt the human race. They lusted after and copulated with humans. And, while these writings are not considered canonical or inspired, they still may contain truth. The angel-hybrid view, or the mixing of seeds view was the view at the time of Jesus and held by the early church until the 5th Century.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

85. Live Not By Lies

Postmodernism, which currently holds our culture captive, does not believe in truth in the old sense. Consequently, according to this argument, if truth does not exist as they claim, neither do lies. This leaves us with a huge dilemma as discovered in Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Union where everything, and I mean everything the government proclaimed was a lie. Everyone knew they were lies, but you had to go along to get along, that is, you had to pretend they were true if you wanted any semblance of existence and not be sent off to the Gulags! The title of this briefing comes from Rod Dreher’s 2020 highly recommended book: Live Not By Lies, which he took from an essay by Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn who refused to live by the lies of the old Soviet Union.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

84. Physical Manifestations of God

The Bible plainly informs us that God is spirit and invisible, meaning that God is not composed of matter. God has no geographical or spatial location. Matter, in contrast, is finite, subject to change. Jn. 4:24: God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. I Tim 1:17: Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. Many other passages confirm this.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

83. Who was Karl Marx

Karl Marx is without question one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century, and continues to be in the 21st. His thought infiltrates every cultural institution in every country of the world almost without exception. If there ever was a polar opposite to the Christian worldview, Marxism would be it. Scholars estimate that as many as 100-200 million people have died because of this man’s ideas, yet it continues to have an inordinate attraction, and seems to be gaining strength in our own country. The sad thing is the almost total unawareness that Marxist ideas are even now infiltrating our Evangelical churches, seminaries, and Christian Colleges. So, who is this man?

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

82 The Postmodern Vocabulary

The force of the Postmodern Worldview first began to be felt at the street level during the turbulent 60's. It was areaction against the worldview of the Enlightenment which believed that through logic and science a universalexplanation could be achieved which would explain all of existence. Modernism, another name for theEnlightenment, made great advances in science and technology for which we all benefit, but was doomed to failurein its quest for a metanarrative (a worldview that would explain all of life) because you can never arrive at aninfinite by starting with the finite (in contrast, the Christian worldview starts with the Infinite God). The essenceof postmodernism is that there is no true truth!

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

81. The Local Church and Politics

In a previous Briefing (#80) we discussed what happens when worldviews collide. We concluded that some kind of civil war in the U.S. is inevitable. Our concern in this Briefing is what effect this might have on the local church. It is inconceivable the church would remain unscathed. It won’t!

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

80. Worldviews in Collision

One hundred and fifty-five years ago our nation engaged in a civil war (1861-1865) that took the lives of 700,000. This represented over 2.2% of the country’s population at that time. What caused this disastrous war was a clash of ideas about the power of the Federal government: who had the final authority, the states or the federal government (the main issue: who had the power to regulate slavery?).

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

79. Transhumanism

Nothing is more popular right now in Hollywood than superheros. In 1973 a television pilot was aired that featured an astronaut named Col. Steve Austin (played by Lee Majors), who was severely injured in an accident. His body was rebuilt with bionic parts that made him have superhuman senses and strength. It went on to become a successful series as the hero made a career of fighting crime with his new super-human ability. Science fiction it was, but according to some, it will soon be reality

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

78. Major Contours of a Christian Worldview

A. General Definition of a Worldview: A worldview is a philosophy of life. An ideology. A weltanschuang (the German). It is an attempt to explain life's most basic questions. A religion is likewise, a worldview. Any distinct culture is the embodiment of a worldview.

B. Specific Definition: It is a system of beliefs; it is what we really believe about the world (universe) and ourselves and how we fit into the scheme of things, and it is these beliefs which influence our thought and action.

C. Illustration of Worldview: A worldview can be likened to a pair of glasses through which one views the world. It is important to have the right prescription or one will have a distorted view of reality!

Think of a worldview as the picture (the boxtop) that goes along with a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces of the puzzle are life as you find it. A worldview helps you arrange the pieces in some meaningful order. Everyone has a worldview (even TV commentators, journalists, and politicians). A person may not be adept at articulating or defending their worldview; they may not even be able to explain how they received it. No one is neutral.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

77. The Biblical Doctrine of the FuturePart Two

All orthodox (Bible-believing) Christians believe that Christ (Messiah) first came as a Lamb (to be sacrificedfor sin) and that He will return to earth again as the victorious Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5). The consensus on thedetails of His second coming over 2000 years of church history, however, is non-existent. The great Creeds ofChristendom only mention that Christ is coming again to judge the living and the dead. For all other cardinaldoctrines of the Christian faith such as: the triune God, substitutionary atonement, the authority of Scripture,the resurrection, etc. it is a safe interpretative principle to refer to what the Holy Spirit has taught the churchover 2000 years of its history.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

76. Miracles

The miraculous assumptions of Christianity are a major stumbling block to its critics. This anti-supernatural view was pretty well summarized by the philosopher, Spinoza in the 17th century:

Miracles are violations of natural laws. Natural laws are immutable. It is impossible for immutable laws to be violated. Therefore, miracles are impossible.

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Bill Crouse Bill Crouse

75. The Conundrum of Gen. 6

Many Bible scholars say this is the most difficult, demanding, and mysterious passage in the Bible. Some interpretations emphasize the supernatural, some more naturalistic theories. Others see this only as a Jewish version of an ancient myth of the gods copulating with mankind.

The big question is: What was the nature of the sin that caused God to mete out such a judgement? Whatever it was, it resulted in ever-increasing human power and violence on the earth (vs.5). God’s created order was violated. We must not underestimate the wrath of God here. I.D.E Thomas said:

The proposed answer for this sin are many. The main ones are: unequally yoked marriages (bad marriages=bad kids), demon possession, divine kingship, miscegenation (mixing of seeds), polygamy, etc. or, various combinations of the above.

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